Young Farmers

Making a difference in tomorrow's agriculture

Young Farmers are just like you. They want to make a difference in Virginia’s largest industry and their local communities. Leadership skills are built through personal and professional development opportunities in an atmosphere that is fun and friendly. Young people from many backgrounds make up this fast-growing segment of Farm Bureau. Our YF members farm on a full- or part-time basis, work in the agriculture industry or just want to become more involved in agriculture. Like VAFB Young Farmers on Facebook

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Young Farmers Committee

Virginia Farm Bureau members ages 18 to 35 comprise the VFBF Young Farmers Committee. Each committee member, appointed by the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation president, serves a one-year term and can serve four consecutive terms in 14 state districts.

VFBF Young Farmers Committee members plan and host annual events, conduct statewide contests, organize new member recruitment and work toward increased involvement in the VFBF grassroots process.

Members of the statewide committee meet four to five times yearly for planning purposes, and hold monthly conference calls. In addition, members address issues through subcommittee meetings held primarily by teleconference or email each month.

VFBF Young Farmers Committee members often hold county committee positions, including chair of the Young Farmers and Women's Leadership committees. Many also serve as county board members, presidents or chair for other committees.

County-level Young Farmers committee members and groups work on local issues, assisting county Farm Bureau boards with agricultural education and outreach to the public and participating in various community activities. County committee chairs report group accomplishments at their annual meetings.

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Leadership Recognition & Awards

Achievement Award

The Young Farmers Achievement Award recognizes young Farm Bureau members for their efforts and leadership in production agriculture, Farm Bureau and their community. The program helps to evaluate participants' farming enterprises, management efforts and vision for their future in agriculture, while recognizing these outstanding individuals for on-farm accomplishments. Contact: Kelly Roberts.

Discussion Meet

Farm Bureau's strength depends on its members' ability to analyze agricultural issues and decide on solutions that best meet their needs. The Discussion Meet is an activity and contest designed to build these crucial skills in Young Farmers. By participating, Young Farmers build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems. Contact: Kelly Roberts.

Watch this video:
2024 YF&R Discussion Meet Final Four.

Excellence in Agriculture Award

The Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes young adult members who are actively involved in agriculture. Participants are judged on that involvement, as well as on demonstrated leadership ability and involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations. Contact: Kelly Roberts.

Outstanding Young Agriculturalist Award

The Outstanding Young Agriculturalist Award recognizes a high school junior or senior for outstanding academic, community and agribusiness achievement. The award also encourages students to evaluate their progress and career goals and to strive for leadership opportunities and involvement in the agribusiness sector.

Youth Discussion Meet

A special discussion meet for 4-H and FFA members who are interested in building skills for solving challenges in agriculture. High school-appropriate questions are used for a statewide competition that will be held at the 4-H Congress and FFA Convention in June. Contact before May 31 for registration information or follow-up with your appropriate FFA Advisor and/or 4-H Extension agent for details. Read the contest guidebook for more information.

Young Farmers Committee Members

State Chair

Thomas Henley

State Young Farmers Chair
District 8

District 1

Andy Neel

District 1

Distrcit 2

Shasta Wilson

District 2

District 3 Deanna Sumners

Deanna Sumners

District 3

District 5

Clay & Paula Greene

District 5

Cheyenne Rhodes

Cheyenne Rhodes

District 6

District 10 Adam Davis

Adam Davis

District 10

District 11

Cassie Long

District 11

District 12

Kelsey Trainor-Brown

District 12

District 13

Elizabeth Cooper

District 13

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