Crop Insurance

Your Most Important Risk Management Tool

As a company founded by farmers, for farmers, we've long understood the unique needs of farm, ranch and commercial ag operations. Today, we're the No. 1 farm insurer in our territory, delivering smarter insurance for agriculture. We're known for protecting multi-generational family farms, small farms and everything in-between.

Crop insurance helps make Virginia's farmers and ranchers world leaders in agriculture, allowing producers to stay competitive and be more innovative. It also helps them sleep better at night knowing that, should the unexpected happen, they will have the financial security to stay in business and go on to plant the next season.

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Be sure you have the right protection. Talk to us about your crop insurance coverage.

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Crop Insurance Coverages

Revenue Protection

Revenue Protection policies insure producers against yield losses due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects, and disease, and revenue losses caused by a change in the harvest price from the projected price. Coverage is also provided for Replant and Prevented Planting. Generally used for corn, grain sorghum, soybean, wheat, barley, cotton, and peanuts.

Yield Protection

Yield Protection policies provides coverage against a production loss due to unavoidable, naturally occurring events for crops for which revenue protection is available but was not selected. Coverage is also provided for Replant and Prevented Planting. Generally used for corn, grain sorghum, soybean, wheat, barley, cotton, and peanuts.

Actual Production History 

Actual Production History policies insure producers against yield losses due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects, and disease. Generally used for tobacco, vineyard, and fruit crop.

Whole-Farm Revenue Protection

Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) provides a risk management safety net for all commodities on the farm under one insurance policy. Whole-Farm Revenue Protection provides protection against the loss of insured revenue due to an unavoidable natural cause of loss that occurs during the insurance period and provides carryover loss coverage if you are insured the following year.

Family on Couch in their crop

Stacked Income Protection Plans

STAX is a new crop insurance product for upland cotton that provides coverage for a portion of the expected revenue for your area. Only used for dryland cotton.

Nursery Crop Insurance

Crop Insured Nursery crop insurance is available to all persons operating nurseries that meet certain criteria.

Pasture, Rangeland & Forage

The Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) Pilot Insurance Program is designed to provide insurance coverage on your pasture, rangeland, or forage acres. This program is designed to protect against lack of rainfall. Giving you the ability to buy insurance protection for losses of forage produced for grazing or harvested for hay, which result in increased costs for feed, destocking, depopulating, or other actions.


The United States currently produces about 163 million pounds of honey from bees each year. This insurance program utilizes various rainfall indexing systems to assess plant growth and vigor, which correlates to honey production.

family moving into their crop

Livestock Risk Protection

Livestock Risk Protection is designed to provide protection on fed cattle, feeder cattle, lamb, and swine against a price decline during the policy coverage period.

Livestock Gross Margin - Swine

Livestock Gross Margin provides revenue protection designed specifically to help protect your profit margin. You receive benefits when the difference between hog prices and feed costs at the time your hogs are sold is less than the gross margin guarantee for the coverage period.

Livestock Gross Margin - Dairy

The Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy Cattle Insurance Policy provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of milk minus feed costs) on the milk produced from dairy cows.

Crop Hail & Fire

Crop Hail Insurance covers losses directly resulting from hail, fire, lightening, collision and upset during transit of the crop, vandalism/malicious mischief, and in some crops, for an additional amount of premium, wind.  Crop Hail does not cover drought, flooding, freezing, frost, or other causes of loss not specifically named in the policy or its endorsements.

Revenue & Yield Protection Market Information

Crop Sales Closing Projected Price Harvest Price*
Barley September 30 8/14 - 9/15 average of CBOT July corn June average of CBOT July corn
Corn March 15 Feb average of ICE Dec. corn Oct. average of CBOT Dec. corn
Cotton March 15 Feb average of ICE Dec. cotton Oct. average of CBOT Dec. cotton
Grain Sorghum March 15 Feb average of ICE Dec. corn Oct. average of CBOT Dec. corn
Soybeans March 15 Feb average of ICE Jan. soybeans Nov. average of CBOT Jan. soybeans
Wheat September 30 8/14 - 9/15 average of CBOT July corn July average of CBOT Sep. wheat

Important Dates

Sales Closing Date - The last day to apply for coverage

Final Planting Date - The last day to plant pay unless insured for late planting.

Acreage Reporting Date - The last day to report the acreage planted. If not reported, insurance will not be in effect.

Date to file Notice of Crop Damage - after damage; the date the producer decides to discontinue caring for the crop; prior to the beginning of harvest; immediately, if farmer determines that the crop is damaged after harvest begins; or the end of the insurance period, whichever is earlier.

End of Insurance Period - The latest date of insurance coverage.

Payment Due Date - The last day to pay the premium without being charged interest.

Cancellation Date - The last day to request cancellation of policy for the next year.

Product Reporting Date - The last day to report production for Actual Production History (APH).

Debt Termination Date - The date insurance company will terminate policy for nonpayment

American Farm Bureau Crop Insurance

It's the vision of American Farm Bureau Insurance Services, Inc. to make the selling and processing of federal crop insurance policies a simple and streamlined process. We are focused on the mantra of "Crop Insurance Made Easy."

Crop Watch

CROP WATCH is AFBIS's very own monthly newsletter covering important crop insurance information. We keep the content relevant to the current crop season including upcoming dates, tips, and general reminders everyone needs to know.

RMA Daily Prices

The Price Discovery application is available from the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA). The RMA serves America's agricultural producers through effective, market-based risk management tools to strengthen the economic stability of agricultural producers and rural communities.